Saturday, January 16, 2010

Aeropress Coffee Maker Does Anyone Recommend The Aerobie AeroPress Coffee Maker?

Does anyone recommend the Aerobie AeroPress coffee maker? - aeropress coffee maker

I am a student who enjoys his coffee, but money alone was enough to buy a cheap coffee maker. I have this on a website and wondered if the quality is good enough test for me to buy this book. From what I saw, they seemed to do too much coffee, which to me ok, but at least enough to fill a glass?

The most important questions: Do you have the AeroPress coffee, what was your impression of him, and would you recommend?


muddygir... said...

I have an AeroPress, and it is a little coffee very carefully. Not long ago, the coffee, but enough to fill, to my mug. Not enough to share. You can also dilute the strong coffee, a little warm water, without the taste to be like "regular coffee" drip produced.

The good:
- It is indestructible
- It's super easy to clean
- It is fairly tolerant of different sizes to grind (unlike, for example, a French press)
- It is fast - about 30-60 seconds and rest fall

The bad:
- Used custom filter paper, but if this is a problem, you can wash your own or re-use and cut, but it is annoying
- If external is needed to heat water
- Recently, the coffee at a time

I use mine for camping, because it is lightweight, compact, unbreakable and easy to clean. At home I prefer a French press, but it is difficult to clean and sophisticated grinding particle size.

If you do enoughTo fill a large glass of coffee or shared global models can be found in the French press. See ... For more information. This is another cheap and robust way to a good cup of coffee to make.

Another object of the AeroPress bete noire - is wrong espresso as the "creator" of the market. No, and never an espresso. Ignore this part of the package, and is a good coffee maker. I also suggest (or at least ignore) try the instructions on the use of water 170-180F. Use 200F water. You will receive an extra cut a better preserved.

Connie B said...

Never heard of him, but I assume that the press is "French" - maybe. Starbucks usually has a number of them. Otherwise, here is a site for which you are looking for: ...

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