Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pictures Of Vip Suitecases How To Change My Camera Settings To Get Best Pictures At A Concert?

How to change my camera settings to get best pictures at a concert? - pictures of vip suitecases

I'm going to a concert on Thursday .. I'll Be Around (I'm in the VIP) position, but I want the best picture quality! I do not know what to change settings to ...
I still have my old camera .. is a Samsung NV3. What settings can be changed in order to get the best pictures?
Thanks in advance! :)


Julien said...

The NV3 is not exactly, but here is what probably better for you if you have these controls:
Turn off the flash 3m/10 unless using a few feet from your subject and you know that you are entitled to.
ISO-bump at high ISO settings (800 or more). Do not go too high or too much noise, do not go too low or have become blurred by motion. Depending on how dark the show is subjected to ISO setting does not look blurry pictures. There will be high.
-If you can control the recording, you want to have it as large as possible (less = more open), but the automatic mode should recognize that for you.
"Wait until your subject under the spotlight when undera dark area, it is unlikely to achieve something good.

CiaoChao said...

Will not occur. At ISO 800 it is loud unuseably. Also Flash will not help, less closely, and remember to get tape on the flash. Use aperture priority mode and to open more quickly (it is in the minus-F).

Having seen so many times, you can get good pictures, without concert around 5000 pounds of camera kit.

Elvis said...

I would not try to flash cars

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