Saturday, February 13, 2010

School Ritual Caning Does Wellesley College Still Use The Same Ritual To Open The School Year As Seen In "Mona Lisa Smile"?

Does Wellesley College still use the same ritual to open the school year as seen in "Mona Lisa Smile"? - school ritual caning

In the movie "Mona Lisa Smile", the school year began with a ritual of teachers fall into the chapel with students knock on the door with a sledgehammer. If this opening ceremony are still be produced? How are the person who plays selected, too?


Exiled Mainer said...

I am a Wellesley alum ('91). Wellesley has many annual traditions, but remember that to describe you. I do not remember the film ... Perhaps because I did not leave, "Hey, we've done it!"

Rolling Hoop is still every spring, and I think he made an appearance in the film ... At this time the winner of the race was assumed that the first promotion of marriage. Today, it is said that the winner will receive a free companion in Lake Waban, the first CEO of the class!

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