Thursday, February 11, 2010

Streaming Heather Harmon What Do You Think Of This Poem?

What do you think of this poem? - streaming heather harmon

OK, so it's a poem I wrote, and wondered what everyone thought of him.

Saw an angel; ear.
The comforting arm outstretched
Touch your soul,
And the withdrawal of his heart.
Her smile, once contaminated,
Who was forever caught in hiding
She was kissing on her face the sun.
The blood on the thick glass,
Fragments of light tickling, Editor
The pain is eased,
Angel face-to-light
Sending kisses
Under his hand
Caressing cheeks
More pain, cutting into the skin,
The memories of injury,
Tears flowed, flowed
His face
Saw an angel; ear.
I picked it up,
CradleIng body is crying
And took it,
Never to return.


lidipiwi said...

There are good opportunities there!
but it sounds like a poem about suicide. it is?

whynotis... said...

Save Imaginative and stimulating Chrace CAN DO BETTER DAY BY DAY

bears life said...

If someone so much happiness? Yes. In fact, I do not think think this poem is beautiful and surprising. Of course, not evil. by all means, it is very deep meaning. just maybe this poem needs special atmosphere and not for all. is something special ... something in the sky ... as the angel. white, soft and pristine sky. Sleeping in the clouds, so that he not only knows everything about this girl, but the person who wrote this poem, too. where all sensitive souls. Looks like a real hand in the snow.

Daizy35 said...

is nice, but what kind of sad.Is about suicide?

littlebe... said...

A beautiful poem, which evokes the thought. You have a talent and should keep the creative work! xx

peter e said...

Your poem is great, I love it. You should write a book of poems and publish it!

Offbeat Oddity said...

very nice. IE bet as much as? u get should publish this. but be careful when publishing such things on the Internet, because people steal and publish your poem on your own.

Chez_DeV... said...

I do not understand.

Ash said...

excellent !!!!!!

U are like me ...

Heeee !!!!!!!!!!! Hee heeee

romantic... said...

Beautiful !!!!!! Wow! ^ ^

saudamin... said...

She wrote that ????? Its amazing!

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